
Sendil Kumar Nellaiyapen

Engineering Manager

Engineering Manager working at payments in Uber. Passionate about Open Source and building communities :)


  • Building Reactive Microservices with Kotlin & running on Kubernetes

    Microservices are everywhere; These isolated and independent services brings in a lot of benefits (nightmares included). On the other hand, Reactive programming enables you to build resilient systems. Combining these two we can build resilient applications that thrive in high load with low latency. In this session, I’ll show you how to use JHipster to create a reactive microservices architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and run it all in Kubernetes. Bonus Bonus: Why split only your Backend services? When you can split your frontend too? Lets go microfrontends.

  • High Performance Web Applications

    Building Web Application is easy but maintaining them to be highly performant is tough. There are a lot of moving parts HTML, JavaScript (including the fancy framework), CSS (including Css-in-JS or fancy styled components). They provide millions of options that degrades your performance or introduces memory leaks. Let us explore and understand what it takes to build a high performance web application.