Robert Nemet
I’m Robert Nemet. Three years ago, I switched from software developer to SRE because I had to understand the environment in which my apps live. Currently, I’m working as SRE at Ricardo in the Belgrade office. When working, I’m looking for new/old riddles and challenges. Enjoying in my comfort zone is not my favorite thing. I enjoy comics, movies, hiking, and playing board games with my family and friends.
Metrics And Event-Driven System
The world where event-driven systems are dominant is different from the synchronous world. Wrapping a head around asynchronous actions and eventual consistency is quite complicated. While observing and debugging individual actions is hard, it is not hard to measure them. We can measure many things: duration of calls, how many times calls are made, CPU usage, and so on. An endless ocean of metrics can hide essential information and lead us to correct conclusions. To avoid this, we should use the proper methodology. Which one? That is a question.