Riccardo Lippolis
Riccardo is an inquiring and experienced Java Developer with a passion for solving complex problems. His core competence lies in Java, but he also has experience with other languages like Kotlin. Riccardo strives for quality with a pragmatic approach. He works for JDriven, where he shares his passion and drive with other enthusiasts. He has spoken at several conferences, including (but not limited to): JFall (2016, rated #1), DevoxxUK (2017), JavaLand (2017), Code and Comedy (2017, keynote speaker), NextBuild (2017) and Spring I/O (2018)
Kotlin Is for Hipsters
Most developers like using cool, shiny, new technologies. But at the same time, we embrace the 'known' older technology stacks when creating software which will run in production, and for good reason! At the Port of Rotterdam we decided to take a leap of faith and embrace our inner hipsters. Unhindered with any prior experience, we started developing our applications using Kotlin. In this talk, we will share our experiences with developing in Kotlin for a few months. Hopefully, we will enthuse you to make the same decision! <!-- Most developers like using cool, shiny, new technologies. But at the same time, we embrace the 'known' older technology stacks when creating software which will run in production, and for good reason! At the Port of Rotterdam we decided to take a leap of faith and embrace our inner hipsters. Unhindered with any prior experience, we started developing our applications using Kotlin. In this talk, we will share our experiences with developing in Kotlin for a few months. Hopefully, we will enthuse you to make the same decision! We have given this talk once before at the Rotterdam Java User Group in The Netherlands (see: https://www.meetup.com/nl-NL/RotterdamJUG/events/257702100/?eventId=257702100) for a crowd of +/- 30 people, together with a Kotlin workshop. The reactions were all positive! -->