Momir Đekić
Momir is a consultant for digital transformation with a decade of experience in business analysis, design and implementation of complex IT systems in both the public and private sector. After completing his studies at the Belgrade Faculty of Electrical Engineering, he finished the MBA Bled Business School course in Slovenia. He lead technical and business teams in both corporations and startups and is a strong supporter of the growing community of tech companies in Serbia through the support with various relevant institutions. He is also a longtime journalist and columnist for “Svet Kompjutera”, and has a vast experience in both written and printed media, TV and radio. Momir is passionate for guitar music and team sports and is the Head of Software Development at TeleGroup Serbia.
Business & Beer Sessions vol. 1 - Digital Transformation: all of the Business and Beer - none of the BS!
So you are requested by your management to optimise, centralise, automatise... something? Innovate, bring new customers, raise the level of satisfaction of existing ones, be more efficient? Your answer is - the magic wand of Digital Transformation! But where to start? Why is choosing the right software tool just the last step in the process? Join us a for a first ever Business & Beer Session where we intend to bring people like you together and bounce of ideas of each other, share experiences and help wade through all the BS surrounding the topic of Digital Transformation. This time we are joined by a successful Serbian entrepreneur who will share some of his insights on the topic with us, who sold his business and is now bringing Digital Transformation to the craft beer scene. Oh, and did we mention that there will be free beer?