Mišel Tekinder
Mišel is a UX developer focused on front-end technologies and performance with passion for interactivity and JavaScript. He is working as a Front-end developer for enjoy.ing company on a project for Pearson, building rich UX for e-commerce.
Engineering Experience
In the era of UX Design, where products are built to fulfill users needs, development processes are still lacking that UX part in decision making and planning. Tech stack decisions are mostly driven by current trends, a hype or companies preferences in specific technology, which can lead to a lot of technical debt. Everything around understanding end-users ends with decisions made in design processes and the development part of software development is represented with the race of feature delivery. It's time to enrich our development processes with UX thinking and focus more on our users. <!-- The aim of this talk if to introduce design thinking and UX processes to decision makers on the development side. Idea is to introduce specific way of thinking about technology as a tool that solves user needs rather than just a tool that is broth into the projects to shorten development time. We will go thru a deciding process on FE tech stack based on client requirements and fictive persona data, focused more on user behavior and user needs. End result will be the app technology stack that supports both ends, our clients with their requirements and their user. -->