Miloš Milunović
Expert software engineer and project team lead at Zuehlke Engineering located in Belgrade. As a developer spent last 3 years developing IoT and cloud solutions hosted on Azure.
From dev to prod. One Year of Using Kubernetes in Production
It's tough enough trying to set up a release process for a single application, right? What if someone gave you a task to automate the integration of dozens of microservices written by multiple companies from development environment all the way to production? ... oh, and they told you that you are responsible for keeping the production up and running whatever happens ofc! <!-- Imagine you have 5 Kubernetes environments used by developers from multiple companies and users alike. How would you handle releases? How to aggregate logs? Which monitoring tools to use and how to setup your monitoring? How to give access to developers to debug their applications without endangering security? How to manage configurations of different environments without much added complexity? How to be invisible for users and developers but still satisfy both user groups of your environments? How to do security and QA? In this talk I will share some of the knowledge and experiences we have acquired while running Kubernetes in production. Topics that will be covered: Release management with Helm, logging with EFK stack, monitoring setup, tracing guidelines and tools, security scans, cluster backups and restore procedures, managing databases within your cluster ... -->