Max Schöttl
Max Schöttl is a Software Engineer and Architect at NETCONOMY, an Austrian based company. He is working for more than 8 years on large scale e-commerce applications in a team setup that is distributed over several locations. Besides keeping the holistic view on the architecture and development process he is currently focused on the introduction of a microservices platform next to a monolithic application setup and roll it out to several development teams.
How to Setup a Production-ready Microservices Cluster in 30 mins
In this workshop we will introduce the Kyma project. Kyma is an open-source project designed natively on Kubernetes. It allows you to extend and customize cloud-based and on-premise enterprise applications in a quick and modern way, using the serverless computing or microservice architecture. We will present the basic concepts of Kyma, setup a cluster and deploy some microservices to it. Furthermore we will cover how to operate microservices within the platform and share our experiences. [APPLY HERE](https://forms.gle/d46gW9MvZ3PYwr288)