Ljubica Vujović Bošković
Ljubica Vujovic is a Program Manager at Microsoft Development Center Serbia. She works on expanding functionalities and improving customers’ experience of Azure Synapse Analytics, unified platform for analytics at scale. She started her career as a Data Scientist where she worked both in national and internal companies, starting from Smart Cat, across Etihad Airways to Grid Dynamics. As a data scientist, she contributed to projects which helped in saving costs up to 1M$. Portfolio of customers that she worked with on data sciences solutions varies from small local companies to Fortune 500. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Belgrade named her as one of the top 3 students in generation. She holds a reward from Serbian Academy of Science for best student thesis in computer science, BAFA reward for best undergraduate student. She worked in the USA and Switzerland as part of research labs in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Synapse Serverless SQL Pool: SQL without database
Data is everywhere but too few businesses use it effectively. One of the reasons for this improvident state is time and technical skills needed for generating insights that can be transformed to competitive advantage. With Serverless SQL pool, this time to insights is significantly reduced. You can open SSMS, PowerBI or other tool which is using SQL language and create reports without loading data into database. This lecture will walk you through executing SQL queries on top of the Azure Storage and Azure CosmosDB and creating PowerBI reports.