Jaša Niklanovič
I’m a design driven senior frontend engineer with a passion for user experience. Starting off with a social sciences background, running a boutique web/mobile dev shop and working with startups from all over the globe pushed me to explore that personal sweet spot somewhere between engineering, UI/UX design, product and business from the very beginning of my career. A strong believer that best products are built when we connect passionate people with diverse skills in an environment, open to experimentation and failure. Currently building the future of content marketing Turtl. Fun fact about me: I’m raising 4 of the sweetest cats in the world - Fiona, Bella, Lexi & Indy.
Incorporating Engineers into the Entire Product Lifecycle
This talk focuses primarily on implications of forced compartmentalization of specializations on various aspects of a company, and how we can improve the existing processes. The classic linear product management cycle is built around the notion of a “handoff” to development - where business, design and product do all the research and engineers do development timelines, feasibility assessments and actual implementation. I’ll argue that modern dynamic product cycles, that are by nature dynamic, circular and iterative, greatly benefit from including engineers into the product management process - and what kind of implications this can have on the general well-being of engineers as well as the overall end-product quality. I’ll also offer a few simple hacks we can do on a daily basis to properly integrate engineers into product discovery processes.