Hila Fish
Hila Fish is a Senior DevOps Engineer at Wix, with 15 years of experience in the tech industry. AWS Community Builder, Hashicorp Ambassador, and an international public speaker who believes the DevOps culture is what drives a company to perform at its best. In her spare time, Hila is a lead singer of a cover band, giving back to the community by co-organizing DevOps-related conferences, providing mentorship and managing programs in “Baot” (The largest Israeli technical women’s community), and enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge wherever she can, including across diverse technology communities, initiatives and social media.
A One Woman Show - Migrating an Entire R&D SCM
Writing code is something that we learned. Managing a project E2E - Probably not that much. In this talk, I will share my journey of migrating an entire R&D’s code base from BitBucket cloud to a self-hosted GitLab on my own (But in collaboration with people from cross teams) - Planning, implementation, and handoffs. I’ll share best practices for managing a technical project with a lot of takeaways you could adopt so your project, any technical project, will be handled smoothly and successfully.