Emilia Ciardi
Emilia is a software engineer with a focus on mobile gaming technologies and a long time experience leading cross functional teams. Working on a wide range of projects, from aerospacial software to e-learning and multimedia applications, she specialized in user experience design, graphical user interface and usability. She has a passion for videogames and over the years has developed several mobile casual games, using almost any tool at hand. Emilia currently lives in Lugano and works at IGT, gathering an in-deep knowledge on math models for the design of gambling and casino games.
Cognitive UX - Using cognitive science and psychology to drive UX design
n everyday life, our brain applies mental shortcuts to efficiently interpret the complexity of the world that surrounds us. As a species, we have survived to our days thanks to this, but with a small side effect - cognitive biases. In this talk we will discuss some principles of psychology and cognitive sciences whose use - for better and worse - can allow us to design more effective user experiences.