Ninja the Cat
This session will explore how Java development has been brought into the open over the past decade and where it is headed in the future. Several Java developer efforts have brought open source development processes and new levels of transparency and participation into their communities. This year theJava Community Process (JCP) program celebrates twenty years of Java standards development. Since the initiation of efforts to expand the developer participation in the Java community, Java standards development is more open that it ever has been. Learn how to take part in the Java developer community, upcoming changes to the Java platform, and how you can contribute. You can participate as an individual, corporation, or nonprofit such as a Java user group (JUG). This session answers your questions about why and how to participate in the evolution of the Java platform - how you can participate in contributing to the future of Java.
Heather leads the Java Community standardization efforts at Oracle, and is a leader of the global community driven adoption user group programs. She is Chairperson of the Java Community Process (JCP) program. In this role she drives the efforts to transform the JCP program and broaden participation and diversity in the community. She is passionate about Java, women in technology and developer communities, serving as an International speaker and community organizer of developer hack days around the world. She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, California USA and enjoys trying new sports and fitness activities in her free time.